In the early 1800s, mass production was made possible by the use of a series of inventions which made it possible to use a few amounts of energy to produce an unprecedented amount of products
The second aspect of public goods is what economists call “nonrivalrous consumption.” ... If the good is excludable, private entrepreneurs will try to serve as many fee-paying customers as possible, charging lower prices to some customers if need be. One of the best examples of a public good is national defense.
Child of Israel
I woke up this morning and there is excitement in the air for I could overhear the man speaking that today the walls would come down.26
I’m standing near Joshua and I hear him say take up the ark and have the priest carry seven trumpets before it. Joshua is now telling the people go! March around the enclosure. 59
We all begin marching. We marched around the city once and then twice and then three times,four, five and six more times but on the seventh something exciting was supposed to happen! On that seventh time around Joshua said to the people shout and we shouted !106
The noise was deafening from the people and the trumpets but when we shouted and the trumpets made their noise the walls of Jericho started to shake and then they fell. 138
Shinto is the religion of Japan (the correct answer is B).
It focuses on rituals and practices that connect the present to the past. It is a polytheistic religion, in which the divine can express itself through multiple forms - and people then worship those forms.
It created a too-weak national government.
When Congress drafted the nation's first constitution in 1777, it knew that many Americans feared a powerful national government. For that reason, the proposed Articles of Confederation created a framework for a loose confederation of states. Within this alliance, each state would retain "sovereignty, freedom, and independence." Any power not specifically given to Congress was reserved for the states. This meant that each state could often develop its own policies.
In addition, the Articles did not set up an executive branch to carry out the laws or a judicial branch to settle legal questions.