La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Desafortunadamente, tu pregunta está incompleta. No incluiste los datos de la lectura anterior. Sin esa información, ¿cómo sabemos de los que estás hablando?
Lo único en lo que te podemos ayudar es con las características de un buen organizador gráfico para que tú lo elabores.
Recuerda que los organizadores gráficos te sirven para estructurar correctamente tus ideas y presentarlas de forma clara y secuencial, agrupando temáticamente tus conceptos.
Si la información de tu lectura se trata sobe "La Visión Lineal del Tiempo," entonces lo que puedes hacer es poner un cuadro con ese título en la parte de arriba, y centrarla. De ese cuadro se desprenderían otros tres cuadros en la parte media que serían: la "Visión Social," la "Visión Política," y la "Visión Espiritual." Y dentro de cada uno de esos recuadros, poner tres características principales que definan cada una de esas visiones del tiempo.
Answer: Because the Muslim world was the center of philosophy, science, mathematics and other fields for most of the medieval period, many Arabic ideas and concepts were spread across Europe, and trade and travel through the region made understanding Arabic an essential skill for merchants and travelers alike.
The settlement had negative results for Native Americans. Despite the fact that Native American tribes did every so often shape positive associations with European pilgrims, changeless European settlement in America, in the end, prompted sickness and removal. Local Americans had no insusceptibility to European ailments and their populace was crushed by the presentation of sicknesses like smallpox. After some time, most surviving tribes were persuasively migrated from their conventional grounds to clear a path for extending European settlements.
Answer: C.) They wanted to use the waterways to transport goods and crops to distant markets.
The Northwest Territory was a territory created by the US Congress in 1787, the government created the Northwest Ordinances that organized land policy and territorial government in the area. Most of the settlers preferred to choose land close to the lakes and rivers because the territory was inhabited until that moment, so if they were closer to rivers they would be able to transport goods and crops from a long distance, which would make life easier in that region.
Large pitcher - 4 cups of water
small pitcher - 2 cups of water