Both were absolutist governors with total control of their countries
Now let's see each case.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi was responsible to unify Japan in the 16th century. He put an end to the power of the feudal lords and acquired the political and military position becoming the main governor of Japan. To maintain power, Hideyoshi used the force and the threat, persecuting his enemies.
Louis XIV name himself as The King Sun, and just like Hideyoshi, Louis XIV cumulated the political and social power, but in the case of him, the maintaining of the status quo was based on religion. This means that, according to Louis XIV, his power and influence came from God.
Zakat is the third pillar in islam refers to giving to the needy.
The devastating effects of biological and nuclear weapons is with no doubt the main fact behind the desire.The world recognizes that chemical,biological and nuclear weapons poses a serious threat to world peace especially if they fall into the wrong regimes and incapable nations. they also the capacity of these weapons to be used on an armed civillians.
That country would be India.
Globalization refers to the increased interdependence of nations, which involves goods,services and cultures. In an ever shrinking world, threats to security poses a risk to communities across the world. This realization has enabled communities and nations to enter into treaties and agreements with an aim of sharing intelligence information on risks such as terrorism,cyber crime and sabotages of economic and political aspects.
There has been criticism from anti-globalization activists who compound that globalization has also globalized threats as it escalates cultural intolerance. This view is however not founded on the premise but the anti-thesis.