Based on how the stage directions are used in this excerpt from act I, scene I of Richard III, what is likely the main purpose o
f providing stage directions in a drama? (Alarum. Enter KING RICHARD III and RICHMOND; they fight. KING RICHARD III is slain. Retreat and flourish. Re-enter RICHMOND, DERBY bearing the crown, with divers other Lords) RICHMOND (Henry VII): God and your arms be praised, victorious friends, The day is ours, the bloody dog is dead. Sir William Stanley. Courageous Richmond, well hast thou acquit thee. Lo, here, this long-usurped royalty From the dead temples of this bloody wretch Have I pluck'd off, to grace thy brows withal: Wear it, enjoy it, and make much of it. [A]to provide information about how the characters should move or speak onstage
[B]to provide lines of dialogue for the characters
[C]to provide information to the audience about the setting of the play
[D]to provide the audience some insight into the motivations of the characters
The reason lies in the structure of the eye itself. Nocturnal animals tend to have proportionally bigger eyes than humans do. They also tend to have pupils that open more widely in low light. So, at the outset, nocturnal eyes gather more light than human eyes do.
This was a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson used to defend freedom and liberty. I think he's basically saying that what's the point of doing things if we aren't granted our freedom in return.