Mitosis is the process of cell division that creates a new cell identical to the original. Somatic cells, such as muscles, hair and skin, undergo mitosis regularly in humans and other organisms. This is an important type of cell division needed to facilitate the repair of damaged cells, growth and replacement of old cells with new ones.
When a new cell is created, it must have the same library of genetic information all other cells in the body have access to. Because all the material in the new cell must come from the first cell, the original cell must make a copy of its DNA before completing the process of mitosis. These two sets of DNA only exist for as long as it takes the cell to undergo mitosis, which can be anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes in certain human cells. When the cell division is complete, both of the cells have a single identical copy of DNA.
Beneatha lost her faith on her youthful idealism. She always mocks Asagai’s idealistic dream for African independence. She no longer support African heritage and she thinks more about the problem of Africa is facing. She has a dream of going to medical school which may not happen anymore.
the answer is chemical weathering. because of the salt, it causes erosion, the chemical properties of the salt creates a compound that breaks down the rock
Nitrogen makes up 78% of the atmosphere, while oxygen makes up only 21% and other gases make up around 1%
The number of double stranded DNA pieces is doubled in each cycle, so that after n cycles you have 2^n (2 to the n:th power) copies of DNA. For example, after 10 cycles you have 1024 copies, after 20 cycles you have about one million copies, etc.