Repression can be defined as an act which typically involves controlling or limiting something by force.
This ultimately implies that, repression means forcefully preventing something or a person from developing beyond status quo.
In psychology, an individual could repress an undesired feeling or emotion from developing further.
In politics, the government could repress the actions of an interest group by proscribing them or limiting their freedom.
Hence, repression means to hold back, inhibit, subdue, or restraining an action, feelings, emotions, idea, opinions, rights of people or something.
Anglo-Saxons liked to gather in the lord's great hall, to eat and drink, and to listen to songs and stories. They loved tales about brave warriors and their adventures. A favourite story told how Beowulf, a heroic prince, kills the fierce man-eating monster Grendel, and Grendel's equally horrid mother. The story of Beowulf was first written down in the 8th-9th centuries, but long before that the story was told around the fire. The storyteller played music to accompany the songs and poems, on a small harp or on another stringed instrument called a lyre
Antony's speech is a turning point for the conspirators. Caesar has been murdered, and the conspirators have explained the situation. Although Antony does not openly disagree with them, we see that he believes the act was wrong when he adresses the crowd. Brutus has already talked to the people, and he argued that Caesar was killed out of love for Rome. Antony, however, turns the crowd against them. He reminds the people of everything that Caesar did for Rome. By carefully presenting his arguments, he succeeds in turning the crowd against the conspirators.
I mean depends what the interpretation is.
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