Jews was killed in the Holocaust because Hitler believe that Jews was inferior to the Aryn race.He blamed losing the war on the Jewish population. He also used Jews to promote Nazi ideology. He also to bring pride into his nation
Malthus was very concerned about unchecked population growth.
As a matter of opinion, I think it would be safe to say that Thomas Malthus would be in favor of the one-child policy because it would be a limit to the exponential growth in population we have undergone since his time. He was worried about our rapid growth in population and not being able to sistaine resources. He famously proposed 2 ways to keep our population in check, by means of "moral restraint" which China's policy would fall under or by means of natural plagues, famine various disease and even warfare.
The right answer is "the Taiping Rebellion."
The Taiping Rebellion or Taiping Revolution (1850-1864) had several motives. It was an expression of deep frustration and anger with the decadence of the Qing dynasty, which proved uncapable of reforming and modernizing China in the 19th century. It was started by the God Worshipping Society , an organization resembling a cult, a sect, whose leader was self-proclaimed prophet Hong Xiuquan. They held the old historical capital of Nanjing for a decade. The rebellion was ultimately crushed. More than 20 million people died.
Meiji Constitution, constitution of Japan from 1889 to 1947. After the Meiji Restoration (1868), Japan's leaders sought to create a constitution that would define Japan as a capable, modern nation deserving of Western respect while preserving their own power. The resultant document, largely the handiwork of the genro (elder statesman) Itō Hirobumi, called for a bicameral parliament (the Diet) with an elected lower house and a prime minister and cabinet appointed by the emperor. The emperor was granted supreme control of the army and navy.