the words are similar to their meaning
Qui aime regarder la télé chez eux?
Quelle émission aime-t-elle regarder?
Quelle émission choisit sa grand-mère?
Quelle émission aiment ses parents?
Quelle émission aiment ses petits frères?
Quelle émission aimes-tu?
Hi !!
the correct sentence is =
En hiver, j'aime faire du ski
hope it helps !
1. écrivez (accent aigu)
2. as, vu
3. répond (accent aigu)
4. font
5. entendons
6. dansent
7. avez,pris
8. lit
9. boivons (error "buvons")
10. dit
11. ai,grossi
12. choisis
13. etundent?? "entendent"?
14. attentent
15. ai,fini
16. nageons
17. mangeons
18. ai été/ était (accent aigu)
19. a
20. mets
Answer: maybe
if you mean if the sentence makes sense, than yes its correct.
Senegal is approximately 196,722 sq km, while United States is approximately 9,833,517 sq km, making United States 4,899% larger than Senegal. Meanwhile, the population of Senegal is ~15.7 million people (316.9 million more people live in United States).