The correct answer is Option A: because people of the world- including dissenters in Germany- has approved their cause.
Joesph Stalin justified the war of Soviet Union with Hitler's Germany because he believed that everyone was on his side. He believed the world had approved his cause to fight tyranny.
He also believed many Germans did not like Hitler and were also supportive of his cause.
We should not forget that the people of Soviet Union were already supporting Stalin.
In The U.S. it was first patent wire issued in 1867.
Barbed Wire (corrected) Was first issued in 1867 For The U.S.
Which Means At This Time this was sold and used.
John Wesley was an Anglican minister and theologian who, with his brother Charles and fellow cleric George Whitefield<span>, is credited with the foundation of the evangelical movement known as Methodism.
</span>The Methodist revival began with a group of men, including John Wesley<span>(1703–1791) and his younger </span>brother Charles<span> (1707–1788), as a movement within the Church of England in the 18th century.</span>
I am actually practicing witchcraft. Yes the spells work. From my experience casting spells on other people is bad and it can result on it happening to you or you losing something.*you usually get a consequence* Some spells involve different things like candles, or herbs. Some spell don't require anything but for you to recite them. Us of the craft also like to make things like moonwater and blacksalt. We use moon water for plants to bless them and help them grow strong. We use moon water to get rid of bad vibes and negativity. We use moon water for protection and many other things. We use black salt not just for food but with ours spells and also to drive away evil spirits.
We make books called Book of Shadows. In the book of shadows we write about our life experiences, spells, chants,moon phases and many other things important to us. Book of Shadows is usually personal. As a witch i have heard rude comments like were evil and worship the devil? But this is not true we work and communicate with the earth. WE are connected to the earth and moons and sometimes planets. Some of us even have gods and goddesses. Although we have some evil witches that use the craft to do bad things. I believe dark and light are equal. Without darkness we can not have light. Sometimes the darkness is beautiful and sometimes the light is blinding. I use the craft to do good. We also have altars altars contain symbols, books of spells, and plants. * It is different for every witch and you dont' have to have one* We have witches who can craft freely and Closet witches. Closet witches basically to the craft in private because it is not accepted in their family or where they live. Closet witches hide their practice to because their shy or to protect themselves.
This is all i can tell you. Hope it helped. Bye! )O(