Cost Nature Cost driver
Rent Fixed Area per ft
Utilities Variable Units used per activity
Car Payment Variable Km. run
Cell phone bill Variable Charges peer min of usage
Gasoline Variable Usage per in ltr.
Cable Bill Fixed Number of connected devices
Groceries Variable Usage per day
Dining Out Variable Number of days dined out
Disability Discrimination
Disability Discrimination is a form of inequity or unfairness that individuals aer forced to witness, endure or suffer as a result of their association with a disabled person, a perceived disability or an actual disability. This discrimination arise in different situations and they are both physical and mental.
Disability discrimination is often witnessed in employment in issues including; recruitments, promotions, trainings, lay-ffs, leaves, benefits and payments.
In this particular question, disability discrimination is a kind of inequity obvious in the fact that Paralympic athletes are only paid 10 percent of what the Olympic athletes receive, despite the fact that they are engaged in similar physical activities. The fact that is the same U.S Olympic Committe (USOC) that pays both set of athletes makes it a form of employment inequity in form of disability discrimination.
Customer orientation
Customer orientation is described as a strategy to revenues and customer relationships in which employees focus on developing customers encounter their brief-term needs and desires. Here, management and staff align their physical and technical goals with customer satisfaction and retention.
Customer orientation is crucial to the gratification of a customer. Analysis into customer needs and satisfaction can improve your organization's customer orientation.
D. production blocking.
Janet is suffering from production blocking. This is an issue encountered in brainstorming sessions related to the fact that only one member must speak at a time which can prevent other members from sharing their ideas as they occur and make it difficult for them to concentrate in their own idea since they need to be paying close attention to whatever is being said.