Las ruinas de Machu Pichu son una antigua ciudad Inca.
It’s 18 points not 35.
I am interested in the sport of football I am a huge fan of the Seahawks they have been one of the most iconic football teams in America. Said in the article In 2014 they won their first Super Bowl Championship and are the present Superbowl champions. With their victory in the Superbowl they became one the best teams in the NFL as of 2014.
No es sagrado, ha perdido su valor al paso de los siglos y las personas no lo concideran un puente sagrado.
Si dos ángulos suman , entonces decimos que son ángulos complementarios. Si dos ángulos suman , entonces decimos que son ángulos suplementarios. Por ejemplo, los ángulos y son ángulos suplementarios, pues