White Fang came in until he touched Gray Beaver's knee
At the sound, Kiche leaped snarling to the end of her stick, and there raged terribly because she could not come to his aid. But Gray Beaver laughed loudly
Both nose and tongue had been scorched by the live thing, sun-colored, that had grown up under Gray Beaver's hands
D To persuade the audience to use non violent means for protesting.
They have influenced us by their democracy, philosophy, art, architecture, science and sports. We have taken their inventions, ideas, and creations. Some of which we made our own just based off of theirs or re-made what they had. The Greeks have infused their culture into ours.
My mother is not in the room at the moment.
We are doing our homework.
My sister isn't using her crayons right now.
We aren't going to go play tennis today.