Answer: Pick the first one, has a lot of info you can write about. Search up information about it to help you. You can say that credit cards have money in them. And say more stuff about the, like how they work
Balance accounts
The policy of balancing public accounts is not part of the group of monetary policy measures, but rather of the group of fiscal policies. That is, the balancing of accounts implies that expenditures are limited in certain areas of the government, with the objective of reducing the fiscal deficit and thus promoting economic collection by the government in order to guarantee the stability of the public accounts.
It is not about plantations or being racits for may it was about not ceceding to Nationalism. Many Southernist believed in an idealism known as sectionalism. This meant that they believed that they wanted the state government to have more power than the national government. Many also believed that the industrial growth that the North wanted to persue was not the best option, because many in the South wanted to continue the economy on another path through farming.
This is capitalism: the usual definitions of capitalism that I read actually always include the phrases"free market" and "private ownership". (however, in practice very few countries are capitalist, most have a mixed economy with for example health care being partially controlled by the government.
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He chose Birmingham specifically as it was one of the most segregated cities in the USA. It was notorious for police brutality and the local Ku Klux Klan was one of the most violent.
In January 1963, Martin Luther King announced that he would lead a demonstration in Birmingham, Alabama.
He chose Birmingham specifically as it was one of the most segregated cities in the USA. It was notorious for police brutality and the local Ku Klux Klan was one of the most violent.
Birmingham was probably best summed up by the Governor, George Wallace who said, segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.