The justification for this type of situation is characterized below as well.
- There's now plenty of details about it on book recommendations as well as SparkNotes, well here's a very less nugget of knowledge I can consider giving you
- The description might well lead to misunderstandings also Because Apology discusses something like a man who defends himself as well as refuses to take responsibility besides his behavior.
Instead of just accepting responsibility, he wants to protect himself by attempting to excuse which one he did.
She had to be brave because she had to act like she was a helpless little girl.
I and III
Figurative language is a literary device that allows the author to express a message with non-literal and subjunctive meaning, through words and phrases that do not express their real meaning, but that require the reader's reasoning to interpret and understand them. This type of device is used to give more expression to a word or phrase and makes it more poetic and expressive. As an example we can use the phrases:
I. “The fog comes/on little cat feet.”
III. “on silent haunches/and then moves on.”
A Clarity because clarity means the same as "how clearly". Or the measurement of "how clear something is", like the clarity of water. If you practiced new Vocab words with good clarity or with clarity, it means you understand them and can spell them well.