The 1970s was an age of political movement that achieved a vast amount of the freedoms Americans enjoy today. In the early years of this time period, women had secured rights to co-education in higher institutions such as college, and expanded the workforce to embrace all genders, including married women with children. However, a rise of conservatives (traditionalists), sought to block more open-minded regulations and managed to do so, or spread information to gain supporters for their cause. Regarding the Women’s movement, supporters attempted to renew the fight for the Equal Rights Amendment. This law basically stated that all genders would be seen as equal under the Constitution and further solidified the feminist agenda. Conservative women who were concerned with the stability of families and believed in specific gender roles participated in the STOP ERA. Supporters of STOP argued that the Equal Rights Amendment would take away privileges currently enjoyed by women, including "dependent wife" benefits under Social Security, separate restrooms for males and females, and exemption from Selective Services. This group organized anti-ERA rallies which ultimately prohibited the amendment from being passed. Moving forward, affirmative action was a law passed in order to reserve slots for disadvantaged students. These included African Americans, women, and other ethnic minorities. Many conservative groups did not support this movement and students, employees, and university applicants sought legal action. In a specific event, Allan Bakke, a white man seeking admission into the University of California, sued the school claiming that they rejected his application because he was of a less favorable minority group. This case advanced to the Supreme Court in Bakke v. University of California, and sparked anti-affirmative-action marches on college campuses. While conservatives did not defeat affirmative action laws, they did gain supporters and caused the system to become an ongoing issue. Finally, during the 1970s a religious awakening occurred. Evangelicalism experienced a major revival and became heavily involved in politics. This group supported concepts of pro-life, strict gender roles, and family. Evangelists used the media to spread their views and broadened the educational resources for people to learn about religion and the traditional expectations women had to fulfill. Overall conservative groups fought greatly to block the passage of progressive legislation and gained supporters in their causes. Although at times these groups did not directly prohibit the new freedoms created, their opposition sparked controversy and revived them as issues that are still fought against today.
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