Taft launched an aggressive attack on trusts.
During his four years in office, William Taft fought against the Trusts in many cases, he doubled the cases against Trusts than Roosevelt. He sued and won cases against Standard Oil Company of New Jersey and the American Tobacco Company and the Sugar Trust and U.S Steel.
Taft’s antitrust efforts were criticized because many said that he did not differ good trusts from bad trusts.
Technological innovations throughout history?
Governments, with the exception of the English, were absorbing a huge part of the ... The effort to control the economy in the interest of enhancing state power is the ... Cultural changes also worked to legitimate, even to inspire, the early modern ... Historians, in what is sometimes called “the new social history,” have paid
All were hunted. in 1870 the herd were hunted for food
Jerusalem is a city which holds significance to many major world religions, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
In today's world, religious significance remains a key obstacle to peace between Israelis and Palestinians – both wish to establish their capital there.