The last country to abolish slavery (in the Western world) was Brazil. It abolished slavery in 1888, by the time that almost 4 million slaves were transported from Africa to Brazil.
In the whole world, Mauritania was the last country to abolish slavery.
This is not true
Although the Progressive Era was known as a period of social activism in the United States (1890s to 1920s), Progressivism (progress) as a means of social reform was (and is) needed all over the world because the human condition needs improvement, yesterday, today and tomorrow.
With social reforms in various sectors the American progressives tried to address the problems of the working classes.
The American progressives might be influenced by the ideas of Immanuel Kant (progress as a movement away from barbarism towards civilization) and John Stuart Mill, a liberal philosopher (people being progressive beings).
When cash is contributed to a political party with no limits attached to the amount that can be received, this is known as a "soft money<span>" contribution.</span>
with my help of course
<em>The</em><em> </em><em>United</em><em> </em><em>States</em><em> </em><em>of</em><em> </em><em>America</em>