The correct answer is Africa.
Africa is the second largest continent in the world after Asia. Africa is the continent which has the most independent countries in the world. There are 54 independent countries in Africa. There are still two states whose independence is disputed. These states are Western Sahara and Somaliland. In Africa, Nigeria is the largest country of the continent land wise. Some of the main countries of Africa are, South Africa, Kenya, Algeria, Ghana, Morocco, etc.
For the availability of land
The three main types of rocks are:
1. Igneous rock
2. Sedimentary rock
3. Metamorphic rock
They are classsified by their formation :
Igneous rock- This type of rock is formed due to volcanic activities, and under this type of rock, it is seperated into volcanic rock and plutonic rock.
Volcanic rock is also called intrusive igneous rock, where the magma filled the cracks below surface and cools down without meeting the air. One of the example if this kind of rock is granite.
Plutonic rock is also known as extrusive igneous rock where volcanic eruption occurs and the lava cools down after being exposed to the air. One of the example is tuff.
Sedimentary rock- These kind of rocks are formed due to the accumulation of sediments overtime. Rocks are also divided into two types under this catagory, namely clastic and non-clastic sedimentary rock.
Cladtic sedimentary rock - It is where the particles of sediments gets compacted due to accumulation, and the rock is usually coarse grained with different size of particles, for example, breccia.
Non-clastic on the other hand, are formed by organic substance that existed for a very long time to become rock, for example, coal is a kind of rock that is formed by organic substances under million years of accumulation. It is posible that fossil will be found.
Metamorphic rock- These type of rocks under goes extreme high temperature or compaction to form a new kind of rock from their parent rock. For instance, igneous rock will turn into marble under high temperature.
Hope it helps!
Clear Cutting
Pro: Financial Reasons. Clearcutting advocates argue that the method is the most efficient for both harvesting and replanting trees.
Pro: Increased Water Flow.
Con: Effects on Plant and Wildlife.
Con: Loss of Recreation Land.
Pro: Increased Farmland.
Selective Cutting
Pro: Supports more wildlife by keeping their ecosystems intact
Pro: They build up tolerance and resistance to disease and pests
Pro: Carbon dioxide that is stored by the trees will regenerate (regrow)
Pro: Helps the forest grow back faster
Con: Expensive and time-consuming
Con: Some species will not regenerate (regrow) as fast
Con: More exposure to weather damage such as ice, storms, and fires
Con: Lots of stumps and other tree debris left behind
These are some things I could come up with while learning some info about this.