For many Indians, in particular, the Shawnee, Creeks and the very large and powerful Cherokee and Iroquois, the British seemed like a better bet. The British knew full well that the Indians wanted to stem the tide of settlement, and they promised the Indians that if they won, the settlers would be stopped.
After Britain lost American colonies they gained a few new colonies in other areas. In 1713 Great Britain acquired the French colony of Arcadia and soon after the colony of Canada. Also in 1763 Britain acquired the Spanish colony of Florida but the main place where they were able to gain new colonies was in Australia. So although they lost some colonies in America they were still able to acquire others elsewhere like in Australia.
One of the most basic messages that Jesus preached was to love your neighbor and to treat others fairly, which spread mostly due to sermons and word of mouth. Unfortunately many Christians have forgotten this part of Jesus' teachings.