The dorsal side<span> of the </span>leopard frog<span>: a. Is a light, solid colour b. Is a coloured and patterned. Is initially cut during a dissection</span>
Calcium is one of the important element present in the body. Calcium plays an important role in the muscle contraction. The calcium ions also acts as a signalling molecule during cell signalling.
The calcium is present in our extracellular fluids, bones, and teeth. The major constituent of calcium is present in the bone. The bone consists of around 90% body;s calcium.
Thus, the correct answer is option (b).
3) Condensación del agua en la naturaleza
El vapor de agua sólo se condensará en otra superficie cuando ésta sea más fría que la temperatura del vapor de agua, o cuando el equilibrio de vapor de agua en el aire, es decir, la humedad de saturación, se haya excedido.