1. Poland
2. Britain
3. Germany
4. Neville Chamberlain
5. Austria
6. Winston Churchill
7. Blitzkrieg
8. Appeasement
9. France.
1. Poland: This nation ceased to exist after it was divided between Germany and the Soviet Union.
2. Britain: This nation won the Battle of Britain.
3. Germany: This country invaded Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands,
Belgium, and Luxembourg.
4. Neville Chamberlain: This British prime minister signed the Munich Pact
5. Austria: In 1938, this country was Germany's first target
6. Winston Churchill: About the Munich Pact, he said, "Britain and France had to choose between war and dishonor. They chose dishonor. They will have war."
7. Blitzkrieg: This German military strategy of "lightning war" was first
used in Poland
8. Appeasement: By signing the Munich Pact, Britain and France agreed to take this policy toward German aggression
9. France: The terms of surrender forced on this nation included German occupation of the northern part of the country and the establishment of a Nazi-controlled puppet government
in the southern part.