An ancient civilization is a topic that helps students have a better understanding of the world. ... By understanding the progression, it will improve their understanding of the world and the people who live in it. Ancient civilizations provide insight into why and how history has unfolded and become as it is.
The First Amendment states, in relevant part, that: “Congress shall make no law...abridging freedom of speech.” Freedom of speech includes the right: Not to speak (specifically, the right not to salute the flag).
These are the three most important reasons you should respect and honor the American flag. 1. To honor our service men and women. We respect the American flag to honor all of the service men and women who are overseas, who died in the line of duty, disabled veterans, or retired veterans. These men and women put their lives on the line defending our country. 2. To honor America's first responders.
The victorious Allies of World War II divided Germany into occupation zones: the American, French, and British zones in the west and a Soviet zone in the east. An iron curtain would fall over this enormous territory controlled by the Soviet Union, behind which nations would be slaughtered.
In the 1790s, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was America's largest city. Between 1790 and 1800, Philadelphia served as the nation's capital. It was the center of wealth and power in the new nation. Prosperous Europeans as well as foreign government officials visited the city and were wined and dined in grand style.
In 1682, William Penn (1644–1718), Pennsylvania's founder, laid out Philadelphia's streets, forming square blocks for houses and buildings. The city was a mix of fine homes and modest houses, wealthy families and working people. It boasted fine taverns (central meeting places that included rooms in which to eat, drink, and spend the night) and nicely appointed boardinghouses, paved streets, many churches, private schools, and a busy waterfront. Philadelphia was also the printing and publishing center of the United States.