I think if we spend our whole lives "In a safe Zone" so to speak we let it pass us by. By playing it safe and never venturing out, and taking new oppurtunities we are missing out. I feel like there is a difference between getting by and truly living, and in life if you play it safe and are unwilling to ever venture into the unkown and take a chance then you miss out. On opportunities, on lifestyles, on living.
This qoute can absolutely relate back to music, and our ever expanding music genre. Music is constantly evolving and has been since the beggining, however if the musicians that started it all had never ventured out of their comfort zones music wouldn't exist. Same goes for modern artsits and musicicans that helped music evolve into what it is today. Nothing would ever evolve, change, or become what it is today if bold artists didn't step out of their comfort zones to define music.
Change my words and put this in your own words, also insert your goal somewhere. DO NOT copy and paste if this is for a class because that is plaigerism and you will get in trouble :)
Primary techniques an artist can use to create depth in a painting are layering and overlapping, changing size and placement, linear perspective, and relative color, hue and value
Running Down the corridor, no one noticing as you dash into the main room. You're getting ready to Play the ULTIMATE PRANK on Tsunade, You Crash Head into Naruto Uzumaki. Surprised at what just happened, Naruto chuckles. He starts telling you about the ultimate prank he had just pulled on Tsunade. Though you are frustrated you smile. He then reveals how he just wanted to impress you, But he was scared he might lose his reputation. Embarrassed you walk away, as you turn around he pulls you into a kiss. At first taken back, But the more he presses his lips against yours you start to accept it. Eventually holding him in a tight embrace.
Thank u , this helped a lot :) hope you have a great night/day
Ni️️a lines ni️️a lines ni️️a lines