The answer is Estuve mirando ( anoche yo estuve mirando un pelicula con mi familia
The answer is C shaving cream
The following quote is the only one that is true:
Antes de ser territorio de los Estados Unidos, Puerto Rico fue territorio de España.
<h3>Why was Puerto Rico a Spanish territory?</h3>
Puerto Rico was part of Spain for centuries, but during the Spanish American war, the territory was invaded and then it became territory of the United States in 1898.
Puerto Rico is right now an unincorporated territory of the United States.
Check more information about Puerto Rico here
65 her freiend help her collect 65 water bottoles
* Juan sale a correr todas las mañanas en el parque.
* Esperanza va a beber jugo de zanahoria para su buena salud.
* Marta y Pablo de van a comprometer en la cena de esta noche.
* Sandy va a ejercer su derecho al voto mañana.
These are some verbs ending in ER, used in present tense sentences and conjugating them according to the assigned grammatical person.