To simplify paragraphs you can:
-reword phrases or pieces of a sentence that seem to be too wordy
-write it in your own words
-shorten your sentences
-remove words that make the phrases more confusing, or that seem unlikely to be useful
-use keywords that can bring your point across with just a few sentences
-avoid repeating yourself
-reread to see if the paragraph makes sense, and if not, replace the words or remove them altogether
-keep things short
What's the answer? If you figured it out... Help me please lol
Compound there are two sentences connected by a semicolon, you can tell because they each have their own subject (the musician, she) and their own verb (preform, had).
Trade schools, or technical colleges can help you get a job faster, and earn more money after high school.
Technical colleges and trade schools are often cheaper than actual colleges, but you get even better training and education on the specific career you choose. Unlike four year colleges, trade and technical schools can help you get a job quicker and get experience with hands on training. They cost less, train you on specific jobs you would want to take, and are very hands on so you can actually do what you're learning. Trades such as welding, graphic design, cosmetology, veterinary technician, engineering, and more are offered there, and they provide you a head start in your career choice. You can do internships while you learn, and do on the job training while still learning at some, and they are a good way to get experience and often help success in the end.
Because I searched this question up on Google, the only answer i can come up with is "Crude and mimetic" I really hope this helps!