c it shows that the amount grew trumendously increased causing prices to rise and most only plantation owners sold their crops because poor people had little to eat for themselves
La FOTOSINTESIS es el proceso mediante el cual los organismos con clorofila, como las plantas verdes, las algas y algunas bacterias, capturan energía en forma de luz y la transforman en energía química.
Una ecuación generalizada y equilibrada de la fotosíntesis sería:
El elemento H2O de la fórmula representa un compuesto oxidable, es decir, un compuesto del cual se pueden extraer electrones; CO2 es el dióxido de carbono; CHO una generalización de los hidratos de carbono que incorpora el organismo vivo.
La RESPIRACIÓN CELULAR: se lleva a cabo en una estructuras de las estructuras de la célula llamas mitocondrias.
La ecuación general de la respiración es la siguiente:
Durante este proceso se desdoble la molécula de glucosa y se separan los átomos de hidrógeno [protones y electrones] de los átomos de carbono para combinarse con los átomos de oxígeno. La energía liberada durante este proceso se utiliza para convertise el ADP (adenosindifosfato) en ATP (adenosintrifosfato).
<span>The stage of which relationships with peers becomes most
important in social influences in a person’s life is during the stage of
adolescence. The adolescence stage is where a person undergoes changes where we
could refer as puberty, in order to be a legal adult. This is the stage where
they are able to think mature and prioritize things of which are important to
them and their goals.</span>
<span>Earthquakes and volcanoes. Earthquakes shape the earth because when the plates shift together it causes an earthquake when a volcanoes happen lava comes out and it cools and creates more land.
Hope this helped!! :)
These are several things that create value for the money:
- Durability
It should be made with materials that could sustain themselves for a long period of time.
- Identifiability
Money should be easily recognized by the people who use it
- Portable
Money should be in a size and shape that are easy to be carried around by people.
- Usefulness
Money should have trading powers that people could use to obtain another goods or services.