Velocity of the products will determine the time that it took for your products to be sold out after they are available for the customers.
Companies tend to seek this information in order to determine their distribution strategy. They need to design their distributions strategy to ensure that their product is not out of the shelves while the demands from the customers still exist.
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A child born in Los Angeles because:
• It lives in a big booming city packed with electricity using energy transportation in the car uses gas.
• Child will use more energy to use technology.
• Joined action will cause bigger ecological harm that will unavoidably pollute the water, air and soil and present other penalties.
Un conflicto es una situación en la que dos o más partes tienen intereses contrapuestos, los cuales no se complementan entre sí sino que son antagónicos en su realización. Por lo tanto, cada una de las partes utiliza métodos y se adhieren a valores que en la percepción de las partes son irreconciliables y por tanto chocan.
Ahora bien, el conflicto como tal puede ser el motor para una reconvención de relaciones injustas o negativas. Ello pues las partes (donde generalmente una es la injusta y la otra la que sufre la injusticia) manifiestan sus posiciones en forma de choque, buscando llegar a una solución favorable para ambas, con lo cual suelen ceder en sus pretensiones en la medida que la otra parte también lo haga. Así, muchas veces el conflicto permite destrabar una situación conflictiva, acercando las posiciones de las partes y llegando a un punto de acuerdo.
A. approximately three-quarters (76 percent) of the subjects will conform to the group's judgment on at least one critical trial
Solomon Asch's conducted an experiment to determine how social pressure from a majoritywould affect a person to conform. In psychology, conformity is the likelihood of a person to follow the behavior of the social group an individual belongs to. In each experiment, a naive student was placed in a room with several other confederates who agreed in advance what their responses would be when presented with the line task without the real participant knowing. After line task was presented, the confederates began answering the questions correctly. However eventually began providing incorrect answers based on how they had been instructed by the experimenters. They were 18 trials and the confederates provided 12 wrong answers. The purpose of this experiment was to see if the participant would conform to that of the others in the group.
The result at the end of the experiment showed that approximately three-quarters (76 percent) of the subjects will conform to the group's judgment on at least one critical trial.