accounting system
The most common response variable modeled for cropping systems is yield, whether of grain, tuber, or forage biomass yield. This yield is harvested at a single point in time for determinate annual crops, while indeterminate crops and grasslands may be harvested multiple times. Although statistical models may be useful for predicting these biological yields in response to some combination of weather conditions, nutrient levels, irrigation amounts, etc. (e.g., Schlenker and Lobell, 2010, Lobell et al., 2011), they do not predict responses to nonlinearities and threshold effects outside the range of conditions in data used to develop them.
In contrast, dynamic cropping and grassland system models may simulate these biological yields and other responses important to analysts, such as crop water use, nitrogen uptake, nitrate leaching, soil erosion, soil carbon, greenhouse gas emissions, and residual soil nutrients. Dynamic models can also be used to estimate responses in places and for time periods and conditions for which there are no prior experiments. They can be used to simulate experiments and estimate responses that allow users to evaluate economic and environmental tradeoffs among alternative systems. Simulation experiments can predict responses to various climate and soil conditions, genetics, and management factors that are represented in the model. “Hybrid” agricultural system models that combine dynamic crop simulations with appropriate economic models can simulate policy-relevant “treatment effects” in an experimental design of climate impact and adaptation (Antle and Stockle, 2015).
The algorithm to find A is even or odd.
- input A.
- Check the remainder on diving by 2 by A%2.
- If remainder is 1 then A is odd Print(Odd).
- If remainder is 0 print(Even).
To check if the number is even or odd we use modulo operator(%).Which gives the remainder on dividing.So if we do this A%2 it will give the remainder that will come out on dividing the value of A by 2.
So if the remainder comes out is 1 then the number is odd and if the remainder is 0 then the number is odd.
user_age = int(input())
if user_age > 17 and user_age != 25:
print("Not eligible")
In today's world, everyone using smartphones as it easily allow to communicate by using different types of features like texting, video, e-mail and by using internet we can run various types of applications.
Smartphones carries one of the main and important skills that is show our current location. By using various types of applications like Global positioning system (GPS), cell ID and wifi we can easily trace the location.
But there is different types of option according to the individual requirement as some people want privacy as they are not interested to share their location to anyone.
Code is completed below
Source Code in Java:
class Parenthesis
boolean hasBalancedParentheses(String eq) //method to check and return if a set of parenthesis is balanced or not
int count=0; //to store count of current unclosed opening brackets
for(int i=0;i<eq.length();i++)
else if(eq.charAt(i)==')')
if(count<0) //if count falls below zero, there were more closing brackets than opening brackets till this point
return false;
if(count>0) //if count is still more than zero, there were less closing brackets than opening brackets
return false;
return true; //if program reaches this point, it has passed all the tests
public static void main(String args[])
//testing the function
Parenthesis ob=new Parenthesis();