telephone servicer, mobile phone servicer, televsion servicer, computer servicer, laptop servicer
The solution code is written in Java.
- import java.util.Scanner;
- public class Main {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- String letters[] = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J"};
- Scanner scnr = new Scanner(;
- int numRows;
- int numColumns;
- int currentRow;
- int currentColumn;
- numRows = scnr.nextInt();
- numColumns = scnr.nextInt();
- for(currentRow = 0; currentRow < numRows;currentRow++){
- for(currentColumn =0; currentColumn < numColumns; currentColumn++)
- {
- System.out.print((currentRow + 1) + letters[currentColumn] + " ");
- }
- }
- }
- }
Firstly, we need to create an array to hold a list of letters (Line 6). In this solution, only letters A - J are given for simplicity.
Next, we declare all the variables that we need, numRows, numColumns, currentRow and currentColumn (Line 8 - 11).
Next, we use Scanner object, scnr to prompt user to input integer for <em>numRows </em>and <em>numColumns </em>(Line 12-13).
At last, we use two-layer for loops to traverse through the number of rows and columns and print out the currentRow and currentColumn (Line 15-19). Please note the currentRow is added by 1 as the currentRow started with 0. To print the letter, we use currentColumn as an index to take out the letter from the array.
This is honestly an answer you can give. What would you name a business if you made one?