Hmm, that's a good question! There are many attributes that would make you unique as a person, like for example, your facial features or personality! But I would say it's all up to you to determine that for yourself. For me, I've honestly never thought about it that much. Maybe it would maybe be my creativity or way of thinking. Others may say something different lol
So basically what happened is that the lion - the king of the jungle and a big creature - was annoyed by the little mouse and was about to kill it. However, he saved its life because he thought the mouse was funny and thought that the little critter can't possibly help him in any way in the future. It turns out that he was proven wrong by the mouse when it saved his life when was caught in the trap.
The theme of the story - as seen in the fable - is about not judging immediately. The littlest things in life will unexpectedly have a great impact in the future.
After "Boston" and "Massachusetts"