In the history of medicine, Islamic medicine is the science of medicine developed in the Islamic Golden Age, and written in Arabic, the lingua franca of Islamic civilization.[1][2]
Islamic medicine preserved, systematized and developed the medical knowledge of classical antiquity, including the major traditions of Hippocrates, Galen and Dioscorides.[3] During the post-classical era, Islamic medicine was the most advanced in the world, integrating concepts of ancient Greek, Roman and Persian medicine as well as the ancient Indian tradition of Ayurveda, while making numerous advances and innovations. Islamic medicine, along with knowledge of classical medicine, was later adopted in the medieval medicine of Western Europe, after European physicians became familiar with Islamic medical authors during the Renaissance of the 12th century.
The poem "I Too" by Langston Hughes discusses how America is still a segregated society and African-Americans are still treated poorly. He uses the metaphor of being sent to the kitchen to eat when company comes to symbolize how African-Americans are still not seen as equal with whites. All of the information discussed in this poem relates to how throughout American history (up until this time) African-Americans are not seen as equal citizens. This was especially true during the era of slavery, as slaves had no legal rights.
In the poem "I Too" his words are not intended too be harsh or critical. Rather, he is pointing out how unfair American society is for African-Americans.
He was appointed the head of healthcare in February.
<u>From the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Conference</u>
We’re doing something else that’s important to me, because he’s been terrific in many ways, but he’s also very good on healthcare. And we really followed him very closely — a lot of states do — when Mike was governor — Mike Pence — of Indiana. They’ve established great healthcare. They have a great system there. It’s a system that a lot of — a lot of the other states have really looked to and changed their systems. They wanted to base it on the Indiana system. It’s very good. And I think — and he’s, really, very expert at the field.
And what I’ve done is I’m going to be announcing, exactly right now, that I’m going to be putting our Vice President, Mike Pence, in charge. And Mike will be working with the professionals, doctors, and everybody else that’s working. The team is brilliant. I spent a lot of time with the team over the last couple of weeks, but they’re totally brilliant, and we’re doing really well. And Mike is going to be in charge, and Mike will report back to me. But he’s got a certain talent for this.
Heavy rains and rapid snowmelt
Since the equator is 0 , the scope of the north shaft, 1/4 of the route far and wide going in a northerly course, would be 90 N. This is the highest latitude possible.