Define a function that accept a list as an argument. Save the length of the list as a variable and cast the list to a set and also save the length to a variable.
If the result of the subtraction of the set length from the list length is not equal to zero, then the list have duplicates.
A sample of the source code using Python,
def list_duplicate( list ):
list_len = len( list )
new_set = set( list )
set_len = len( new_set )
If list_len - set_len != 0 :
Print( " The list has duplicate " )
computer scientist is a person who has acquired the knowledge of computer science, the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation and their application.
the goal is to understand what users and applications the network will support.
A traditional network design approach is said to follow the structured systems of analysis as well design process that is similar to that which is used in building such applications. The main goal of the application developers is understand and study the needs of the users and also the application which the network will support.
See explaination
#Run the code in the python version 3.x.
#Define the function.
def shampoo_instructions(num_cycles):
#Check the cycles to be greater than 1.
if num_cycles < 1:
#Display the statement.
print('Too few.')
#Check the cycles to be greater than 4.
elif num_cycles > 4:
#Display the statement.
print('Too many.')
#The else part.
#Initialize the variable.
N = 1;
#Begin the for loop.
for N in range(N, num_cycles+1):
#Print the result.
print(N , ": Lather and rinse.")
#Print the statement.
#Call the function.