A favor: porque permite manejar la memoria, disco, medios de almacenamiento de información y los diferentes periféricos o recursos de nuestra computadora, como son el teclado, el mouse, la impresora, la placa de red, entre otros.
En contra:
Si uno llega a fallar con un codigo en algun sistema puede verse afectado el dispositivo
Plagiarism is quite a bad thing because if you plagiarize, you are copying and pasting other people's work and using the work as yours (even though you change the sentence structure/ some words, it is still plagiarizing.) Fair use means un-biasness.
Well, CEOs are on the top of the food chain. It takes a lot of work and ambition to become one, and once they are one, <span>CEOs accept a huge amount of responsibility - that means having to take blame if things go wrong and </span><span>having more tasks to complete such as having to attend numerous meetings, make decisions. They are also on the board of directors.</span>
Assistants do not have to do as much, they likely won't have that much responsibility or experience, their tasks revolve around ensuring meetings are scheduled and performing other ad-hoc duties.