When Telemachus respond to Antinous's reply in the assembly, He insists his father is alive, and therefore he cannot condemn his mother for not remarrying
After Odysseus has been gone for twenty years the suitors start to appear in order to become the new husband of Penelope, after all of this, Telemachus calls the assembly and communicates that he will go and look for news of his father and only if he can not find any sign that he's alive he would ask his mother to remarry with one of the suitors, since he still believes his father is alive and then his mother would not be free to remarry.
try writing about what is popular or often shared and liked , talked about by others . An example could be beauty standards and what society on social media finds to be "attractive" and such . People often see others that are thinner or skinny sharing pictures have a large amount followers or likes and people tend to get eating disorders and push themselves with more of these photos , wanting to be like them.
One way of doing this was to create a sense of solidarity by fostering a social identity that differentiated the polis from all others. This identity was achieved in various ways, such as the creation of a communal space where people could mix and socialize—the agora.
Lol you mean thesaurus
But a thesaurus is a dictionary of synonyms and homonyms