I would suggest Thor HyerDahl, you should look him up and see what you think, he went on many expeditions so do a bit of digging and you'll have a lot of information.
i don't know
i don't understand the question
<em>Darby</em><em> </em><em>was</em><em> </em><em><u>excited</u></em><em><u> </u></em><em>about</em><em> </em><em>the</em><em> </em><em>weekend</em><em> </em><em>because</em><em> </em><em>she</em><em> </em><em>was</em><em> </em><em>go</em><em>i</em><em>ng</em><em> </em><em>to</em><em> </em><em>see</em><em> </em><em>a</em><em> </em><em>new</em><em> </em><em>movie</em><em> </em><em>in</em><em> </em><em>her</em><em> </em><em>favourite</em><em> </em><em>series</em><em>.</em>
<em>Hope</em><em> </em><em>this</em><em> </em><em>will</em><em> </em><em>help</em><em> </em><em>u</em><em>.</em><em>.</em><em>.</em><em>.</em>
I would say it is too wordy. Try breaking it into 2 sentences or combining them better.
So what would be the question you are asking? if you're asking how to hook a reader in your intro start with an onomatopoeia or something like: On a dark and stormy night Elle Mist sat in the corner of her room crying wondering when her parents would come home.