In Irving's "Rip van Winkle," the protagonist falls asleep and then wakes up many years ago, as an old man and sees that everything has changed.
This is an important piece of work for the American mythology - Irving used the method of a short story to convey these myths and legends. The characteristics that are implemented in this story are - it is set in the distant, maybe even non-existent past; strange, exaggerated characters are in it; there is also a positive message about a nation and its people. These characteristics make the reader fall in love with the story faster, and they will forever remember it.
Stressed syllable in autocracy: au-<u>toc</u>-ra-cy
Have you ever heard this saying that the customer is always right well sometimes they are and sometimes their not but its imporant to have this rule because no drama equals happiness i know this rule because i worked at the dallas state fair and i was selling from a food stand
Barack obama issued 5 warnings about US democracy
Bella is like a professional dancer on the stage.