Review the article "Did the New Deal Prolong the Great Depression?” Summarize each author’s position on the question "Did the Ne
w Deal Prolong the Great Depression?” a.) Describe each author’s main arguments, and discuss the supporting evidence used. b.) Evaluate which author’s argument is stronger and why.
Higgs's argument is stronger because Folsom's primary arguments involved quotes. Quotes can be unreliable, especially if chosen with bias from a selected group of people. Beyond that, quotes from people that lived in the moment are often short-sighted and don't understand long term effects. While Folsom does also source historians, he focuses a lot on Roosevelt's interest spending and believes that the money that went back to the American people actually prolonged suffering. Higgs, however, focuses on the short and long-term effects of the New Deal and uses a lot of data to prove his point. While he does have quotes, he doesn't rely on them to make or break his argument, unlike Folsom. Higgs is also able to understand some of the negatives of the New Deal, unlike Folsom who did not pay any attention to the other side of the issue.
Professor Burton W. Folsom Jr. argues that the New Deal did prolong the Great Depression because it was anti-free market Capitalism so it created an anti-business environment that people would not work that much because some people would get payed for not working. His supporting evidence used to support his argument about the data of the people unemployed in all of the 1830s which was not changing even after the proposition of the new deal. Professor Roger Biles states that the New Deal created a limited welfare state that was good for business to come back together and helped avoid another depression. His evidence used was the unemployment rate going down from when the Great Depression started in the late 1920s and later in 1934 it went down 4 percent.
pls dont copy paste, try to summarize or use a paraphrase tool but this is part a.
I would say that the spread of democracy led to the industrial revolution because it enabled everyone to start their own businesses, thus establishing a capitalistic society whose economy was governed by industrialists.