There is too much conflicts, eveyone is all of a sudden scared of each other. They say it only affect older people and people with respiratory problems, so how does an healthy 36 year old person die from it.
The answer is C.
She wouldn't wave to her her sister if she felt betrayed
She wouldn't really wave "low key" if she were feeling impatient
If she were unaware she wouldn't even notice her
He wants to make his wife happy.
The answer is A). The excerpt "Alan Moore claimed that he was giving up writing for comics because he had been converted to religion of a serpent god called Glycon" is an example of plagiarism.
This excerpt from a student essay presents the same information that provides the book<em> Off to See the Wizard: A Biography of Alan Moore </em>by Jonah Sinnott. Furthermore, the author of this excerpt does not quote Sinnott nor adds the page number of his book. That is to say, the author takes Sinott's words and presents it as if they were his/her own words. In order to give credit to the real author, the writer of the excerpt should have named the source or added the page number as it has been done in the excerpts from options B), C) and D).