the definition is a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution
Yes, the statement is true.
Conflict erupted within and between the colonial territories of North America and American Indians as a result of different European nations competing for the same resources.
- As the French, Dutch, British, and Spanish colonies allied with, traded with, and armed American Indian groups, conflicts in Europe migrated to North America, resulting in ongoing political instability.
- Teachers have the liberty to utilize examples such as the following: Chickasaw and Beaver Wars
- As European nations fought it out for dominance in North America, their colonies concentrated on securing fresh labor as well as on manufacturing and purchasing goods that were highly prized in Europe.
- Conflicts between the social and economic values of Europeans and American Indians led to changes in both societies.
To learn more about European Colonization visit the link:
Chivalry was the noble qualities a knight was supposed to have, such as courage and a readiness to help the weak. Remnants of chivalry that remain in society today are, good manners, consideration of any and everyone around you, kindness and showing grace and elegance in response to an act of chivalry. The virtues of chivalry offer more than pleasantries and politeness. They give purpose and meaning to male strength, and therefore support the overall workings of society.
What do you mean by captions? Like quotes?
"The mistaken policy of the Stamp Act first disturbed this happy
situation; but the flame thereby raised was soon extinguished by its
repeal, and the old harmony restored, with all its concomitant advantage
to our commerce. The subsequent act of another administration, which,
not content with an established exclusion of foreign manufactures, began
to make our own merchandise dearer to the consumers there, by heavy
duties, revived it again; and combinations were entered into throughout
the continent to stop trading with Britain till those duties should be
repealed. All were accordingly repealed but one, the duty on tea. This
was reserved (professedly so) as a standing claim and exercise of the
right assumed by Parliament of laying such duties." ~ Benjamin Franklin
"Patriotism is as much a virtue as
justice, and is as necessary for the support of societies as natural
affection is for the support of families." ~ Benjamin Rush - Patriot and Physician
"In about three hours from the time we
went on board, we had thus broken and thrown overboard every tea chest
to be found on the ship, while those in the other ships were disposing
of the tea in the same way, at the same time. We were surrounded by the
British armed ships, but no attempt was made to resist us...And it was
observed at that time that the stillest night ensued that Boston had
enjoyed for many months." ~ George Hewes Boston Tea Party - Eye Witness Account
"We were merry, in an undertone, at the idea of making so large a cup of tea for the fishes." ~ Joshua Wyeth - Here's a website with the entire eyewitness account
People questioned the need for only one church
The Great Schism had a very big effect on the future development of the European countries. The biggest effect of it was that the people saw the need for division in the church. The reason for this was the conflict that occurred between the east and west, with the end result being split in the church into the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. The Roman Catholic Church heavily influenced the western part of Europe in the centuries to come, while the Eastern Orthodox Church influenced heavily the eastern part of Europe. This led to different cultural and political development in the two halves of Europe, which can be easily seen even nowadays.