I think that when he delivered his speech he meant it from the heart he really wanted his message to be heard. He made sure everyone knew he wanted black people of color to have equal opportunity as white people. Also that people don't see color or anything and they just see a human that deserves to be there. He expresses the importance of this and why this action news to be taken asap and the urgency.
Fries's Structure of English, language teachers have described English words as falling into two broad types: those that belong in the dictionary like 'storm' and 'confabulate', called content or lexical words, and those that belong in the grammar like 'of' and 'the', called structure, function or grammatical words.
tl;dr: Structural Words are the meaningless little words in a sentence that make it flow or move from one important word to the next.
There are many differences. Greek theater had a chorus, which sang and likely danced. The arrangement of the stage was completely different, featuring a single building with a large entrance on to the stage, a crane to bring divine characters in on a higher level, a dancing area for the chorus, and so on. Actors were all male and performed in masks; there were few actors available for the playwright's use (two or later three could be on stage at a time). Plays were put on at civic/religious festivals, not as standalone productions, and cycles of four plays (three tragedies and a comic satyr play) by the same author were performed. The list could go on for a while
hope tis helps
No don’t give them credit because you can change things on Wikipedia so it’s not really real facts and you shouldn’t sue Wikipedia anyway because it’s kinda like a scam it’s not always real facts