U know and if I wanna I don’t like it to you get to know
B. Tiara, who first thinks camping and cooking are boring and then discovers both are fun.
This is a SIMILE - if words such as 'as' or 'like' are used in order to compare two things (in this case, 'giant rocks with razor edges crouch LIKE a sea monster with wide open jaws'), then it is a simile.
Gender roles: lead to toxic masculinity and putting down women among other things
racial and ethnic stereotypes: cause racial disparities, hate crimes, etc.
diet culture: leads to eating disorders and poor body images
, the two-party system (democrats v. republicans): limits the actual variety of ppl running for office
I agree with Azharui. Although movie ratings do work as a general advisory and disclaimer, there may still be content that each individual parent might disagree with. For this reason, adults should monitor all movies their child sees, and should have the right to forbid their child from watching certain programs.