Constitution is a an aggregate of fundamental principles or established precedents that constitute the legal basis of a polity, organisation or other types of entity and commonly determines how that entity is to be governed.
Veto is a the political right to disapprove of the process of a decision, a law etc. An invocation of that right.
Bill of Rights a formal statement of the fundamental rights of the people of the United states, incorporated in the Constitution as Amendment 1-10, and in all state constitutions.
Ratify is the confirmation or adoption of an act that has already been performed.
The key reason why the Allied Forces refused Japan’s initial surrender because it was not an unconditional surrender. If Japan was given their surrender terms they would have room to move, but the Allies pushed for an unconditional surrender in order for the Emperor could be prosecuted for war crimes.
hope i helped
Http:// this really helped a lot...
The importance of the rule of law with these principles is self-evident. In our system, it is the foundation of governance. Under the rule of law, citizens can live and work safely. They will not be subjected to arbitrary government and are protected against any abuse of power by the state.
Muhammad Ali was very against the Vietnam War, and refused to fight in it as he believed it was a morally corrupt conflict.