Lewis and Clark expedition
Answer:63 BCE - 14 CE) and Mark Antony's (l. 83 – 30 BCE) civil war, and once victorious at the Battle of Actium (31 BCE), Octavian returned home to become the first Roman emperor. The decade preceding their civil war was a decisive one
Henry Cabot Lodge and other senators opposed ratification of the Treaty of Versailles (1919) because they believed the treaty 3. could draw the United States into future conflicts. Remember that the period of international involvement marked by Woodrow Wilson's presidency and World War I was a new situation for the previously isolated United States. A great number of policymakers still advocated that idea of isolationism - avoiding involvement abroad. While they were able to block the ratification of the Versailles Treaty, the United States would continue to become more and more involved in international affairs as the century progressed.