Long before writing was developed, people recorded events, ideas, plans, and feelings by marking them on a rock. Sometimes they carved into the stone. Sometimes they scratched off a surface coating. Sometimes they painted on the rocks. The method that they used was typically determined by the availability of a "paint," the hardness of the rocks, and the availability of tools that could be used to produce their message.
All of these markings are referred to as "Rock Art." People worldwide have been producing rock art for thousands of years. Some of their messages, produced thousands of years ago, can still be seen today. The oldest are usually found in rock shelters and caves where they are protected from the elements. However, in arid climates some examples of rock art have persisted for ten to fifteen thousand years, depending upon how the art was produced, the direction that it faces, and the type of rock used as a "canvas."
The central open space within the church.
A nave is an elongated space or part of a space in Roman and Gothic church architecture. The main nave of the church extends from the nartheks, or vestibule hall, to the shells, and is flanked by any side ships separated from the main nave by a row of columns. The height of the main naves provided space for the clergy windows above the side naves. These give light to the interior of the church but leave the side ships in the shade.
the choice of liquid or gas that is added to a pigment