Iambic pentameter. this is to further explain---"and sum/ mers lease/ hath all/ too short/ a date"
penta means 5, there for after you divde the sonnet up as its said youll see that there are only 5 "meters"
I’m sorry I don’t understand this question
a. she decides she'll coach raymond
A, Facile
GOOGLE: (especially of success in sport) easily achieved; effortless.
I hope this helps! Good luck!
apt comparison refers to a sensible comparison. This comparison compares two
different objects but uses appropriate way of comparing the two. Apt is
suitable for circumstances purpose. Apt came from the Latin word Aptus which
means fitting, or suitable. Thus, apt comparison is like comparing to object or
matter that is completely different but appears like they are likely the same
or appropriate.
Adverb of apt => aptly
noun of apt => aptness
Synonyms of apt:
=> liable
=> adaptable
=> relevant
=> likely
=> particularly appropriate.