Procter & gamble has separate departments for the tide, pampers, Charmin, and pringles. this is an example of departmentalization by product.
A departmentalization is an organizational structure that divides people into groups or departments based on certain criteria. These departments have their own leadership and work together to complete tasks. Multiple departments can work together on large or complex projects.
departmentalization refers to the process of dividing and grouping activities. The division of labor creates specialists who need to be coordinated. This alignment is facilitated by grouping experts into departments.
His five types of departmentalization are described and listed below. a) functional divisional organization b) product divisional organization c) customer divisional organization d) geographic and process. e) Matrix sectorization
Learn more about departmentalization here:
666 (referred to in Revelation) is the number of the beast, or Satin.
Answer and Explanation:
Phelps criticized Friedman's position, because he said it was totally irrelevant to analyze the tax functions of inflation without assessing product demand, as Friedman suggested in his theory. He stated that this would only be possible if there was a way to predict an optimal rate of inflation in different situations of demand and supply, otherwise, in Phelps' words it would be the same as "Professor Friedman gave us Hamlet without a prince".
Phelps' positioning would be better considered by the RBC model, since this model is based on real and not imaginary facts.