The correct answers are:
How am I protected as an investor?
What guarantees are in place so I make money?
What taxes will I have to pay on this investment?
How do the risks compare to the potential gains?
What are the chances that the investment will fail?
These are the kind of questions every investor should ask himself before beginning to invest. You must know the risks you run before investing, inform yourself about the taxes you could pay, the profits you can receive and how your investments can fail.
You shouldn't be guided by investments your friends make, but rather follow advice from a financial advisor or other qualified investors.
It is also better that you study before making an investment, so you can get more out of it.
-It would take weeks for information from one place to reach another, or to travel from one place to another
- They most likely had issues with religion,rebellions, and government issues.
- Keeping the kingdom intact was hard because of invasion Longer borders cost more to defend against outsiders. Egypt struggled to protect their expansive borders against invaders.
- They had to have a big army that cost a lot of grain to stay fed
-The erosion of the authority of the Pharaoh and the accompanying growing power of the nobility and priesthood. This led to the decentralization of power in Egypt and constant power struggles and civil war.
Rasputin was considered as the enemy of the people of Russia, but he had a great influence over the imperial family. He was a Siberian monk and was considered very unorthodox. Myths were prevelant that Rasputin had miraculous powers and he was capable of performing certain miraculous feats. This brought Rasputin closer to the imperial family. The son of the Royal family suffered from blood disease and this helped Rasputin to increase his control over the imperial family and this made him influence the king in case of appointing people in the government. His excesses were overlooked until he was murdered in the year 1916.
The Council of Nicea was very important for the history of Christendom as it established an uniformed conception about the divine nature of Jesus as Son of God and its role into the Trinity. Also, the Council created the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed wich is one of the foundations of the Christian faith. This creed is fundamental in the origin of the set of Catholic beliefs.