Be the good girl you always have to be Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know Well, now they know
describes the spectacular view from her new office, which later connects with her mother visiting that office to show
readers that she has finally gained the riches she always wanted
D. She describes her father's admiration of her literary agent, who she later says is more important than diamonds, to show
readers that she has overcome her fears of not being a "good enough" writer
Explanation: Rohingya is a refugee at military camp who has been maltreated. She was raped at age 4 and was treated harshly by the military because she was from a minority religion and ethnic group.
The neurologist stated that hope is both genetic and life experiences, it is what you believe.
Rohingya bitter experience had made her lost hope, she never had a picture of what her future would be looking at her current state.
Crusoe values loyalty but often gains it through manipulation.