The terms in the Treaty of Versailles are unfair towards the new German Republic that is being created. We cannot allow these massive war reparations to be put on the treaty, it will cause political chaos in Germany. Not to mention poverty would be everywhere in the country, Germany has already spent enough money on its own during the war, they have nothing to pay us back! The downsizing of their military should also allow them to only protect themselves. Instead of shaming Germany, we should help reconstruct their nation and they could be allies in the future with democracies spreading in Europe. I fear the rise of communism like what happened in Russia during the war can happen in this new German democracy. Or even worse a party could grow in the country that will defy the treaty of Versailles! This is why we must be extremely careful with our terms of the treaty and use our victory wisely. The creation of the European Polish state is a bit extreme and will affect all those Germans living in that territory. Please take this into consideration as the Treaty of Versailles will choose the fate of Germany's future.
The terms in the Treaty of Versailles are not fair to the German Republic that is being created. We shouldn't allow massive war reparations in the treaty. Doing so would cause political strive in Germany. Not to mention Germany has spent too much money during the war, they shouldn't have pay us back. We should help reconstruct Germany instead of shaming them. Then they could be allies in the future. The treat of communism taking over Germany, like what happened in Russia during the war, can happen in this new German democracy. Keeping this in mind you must see how vital it is to be careful with our terms in the treaty.
Sons of Liberty dump British tea. In 1773, a group of Massachusetts colonists disguised as Mohawk Indians board three British tea ships moored in Boston Harbor and dump 342 chests of tea into the water.