The answer to this question is slate. Slates are homogenous
metamorphic rock that came from a sedimentary rock that was formed thru metamorphism.
Slates are rocks that are used as roofs and floorings because slates are considered
to be durable and because of the fine features of this rocks it is more
<h3>An electric motor converts electrical energy into physical movement. Electric motors generate magnetic fields with electric current through a coil. The magnetic field then causes a force with a magnet that causes movement or spinning that runs the motor. Electric motors are used in all sorts of applications.</h3>
I was excited to see this question because I, myself, just learned this the other day. The answer you are looking for is Tokyo.
Geolgic time is measured by observing the changes in the fossils from oldest to youngest sedimentary rocks.
Movements along faults can make it harder for geologists to determine the relative ages of rock layers.
The absolute age of a sample is its age in years. This method of determining absolute age is called radiometric dating, and it involves the decay, or breakdown, of radioactive elements. Using radiometric dating, scientists can determine the actual age of a rock.